
A Call With Our Staff
  • Residential Options for Adults with Mental Health Needs

    Services include options ranging from 24 hour care to independent living with support services to enable adults with chronic mental illness to live in community-based housing.

    To learn more visit…
    Gesher Human Services

  • Residential Programs for Adults with Disabilities

    Services include group homes and shared apartments for adults with disabilities who require 24 care/supervision.

    To learn more visit…

    Gesher Human Services
    Gesher Human Services offers a range of residential programs for adults with chronic mental health challenges.

  • Affordable Housing Referrals

    Services include information and referral to affordable housing options.

    To learn more visit…
    Jewish Family Service (Geriatric Care Management) | Jewish Family Service (Family Support Services)

  • Senior Living

    Independent Apartments with Supports:
    Services include market rate and subsidized apartments in Oak Park (Prentis and Teitel Apartments) & West Bloomfield (Meer and Hechtman Apartments) with support services, activities and kosher weekday meals.

    Assisted Living and Memory Care:
    Services include Coville Apartments (in Oak Park) & Fleischman Residence (home for the aged in West Bloomfield). Care assistance, support services, activities, and 3 kosher meals daily are provided. The Peter & Dorothy Brown Memory Care Pavilion on the 3rd floor of Fleischman Residence provides a specialized environment for those with dementia disorders.

    To learn more visit…
    Jewish Senior Life

  • Housing and Financial Literacy Counseling

    Services include assistance to families/individuals who are facing foreclosure and/or need assistance with budgeting, debt management/reduction, home buyer education and money management. Individual counseling and group workshops are available.

    To learn more visit…
    Gesher Human Services