
A Call With Our Staff

  • Enrichment Services for Adults with Mental Health Needs

    Programming provides a welcoming and engaging community atmosphere where individuals with a mental health diagnosis can enjoy social and cultural activities, educational classes, culinary experiences, vocational support, and volunteer opportunities.

    To learn more visit:

    Gesher Human Services.
    Gesher Human Services provides a range of enrichment programming in addition to housing services.

  • Support Program for Individuals with Mental Health Needs

    Programming provides a welcoming and engaging community atmosphere where individuals with a mental health diagnosis can enjoy social and cultural activities, educational classes, culinary experiences, vocational support, and volunteer opportunities.

    To learn more visit:

    Gesher Human Services
    Gesher provides a range of enrichment programming in addition to housing services.

  • Residential, In-Home Support and Enrichment Services for Adults with Mental Health Needs

    Services include 24-hour care to independent living with support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis to ensure all residents get the exact level of housing and support they need to live a fulfilling life.

    Gesher Human Services

  • Residential Options for Adults with Mental Health Needs

    Services include 24-hour care to independent living with support for individuals with a mental health diagnosis to ensure all residents get the exact level of housing and support they need to live a fulfilling life.

    To learn more, visit: Gesher Human Services

  • Mental Health Services for Teens

    Services include individual and group counseling and supports for individuals with mental health challenges or concerns and for their families.

    To learn more visit:
    We Need to Talk
    A youth mental health initiative of the Detroit Jewish community provides educational programming, trainings and funding for additional mental health professionals to support young people and their families.

    Jewish Family Service
    Mental health counseling for adults, children/teens and families.

  • Mental Health Services for Children

    Services include individual and group counseling and supports for individuals with mental health challenges or concerns and for their families.

    To learn more visit…
    We Need to Talk
    A youth mental health initiative of the Detroit Jewish community – videos, articles, links and more.

    Jewish Family Service
    Individual and family therapy for children over 5 years of age with mental health concerns.

    Gesher Human Services
    Counseling and supports for families with children with mental illness.